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Emergency 准备dness Trainings & 活动




上午10:18.m. 10月18日, 2018, Los Angeles Valley College will join millions of people worldwide will practice how to 蹲下,掩护,坚持住Great 落砂 Earthquake Drills.

This is the 4 year in a row that Los Angeles Valley College has participated in the Great 落砂. 2018 is the 10th anniversary of 落砂, which began in southern California in 2008.

Californians must get better prepared before 下一次大地震, and practice how to protect ourselves when it happens. The purpose of the 落砂 is to help people and organizations do both.

Get Ready to 落砂 10月18日 at 10:18 a.m.!


Participate in a campus-wide 60-second earthquake drill on Thursday, October 18 at 10:18 a.m. in your classroom, office, or other place on campus. Watch this 落砂 60-second Drill Narration Video (YouTube) or read the 落砂 Presentation for Instructors (PDF).

What to do 在 the 落砂:

People get injured by falling objects and when they try to run, which is why we will practice 蹲下,掩护,坚持住:


  • 下降 趴在地上. Do not try to exit 在 shaking.
  • 封面 your head and neck with one hand and seek shelter under your desk or table as best as possible.
    If in an auditorium with no tables, take cover between the rows of chairs.
  • 抓住 to the leg of the desk/table with your other hand.


  • 从实验台上退后.
  • 下降 趴在地上 on your knees next to a wall, away from glass and other hazards if possible.
  • 封面 your head and neck with your hands and arms.
  • 抓住 to something sturdy 在 the shaking

Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety

The information in the steps below will help you learn how to better prepare to survive and recover, 无论你住在哪里, 工作, 或旅行.

When it comes to disaster, there are simple things you can do to make yourself safer. The information on this p年龄 is designed as a step-by-step guide to

give you details on what to do before, 在, and after an earthquake. Start with the simple tips within each step so that you can build on your accomplishments.

An example of this in Step 1 is moving heavy, unsecured objects from top shelves onto lower ones. This will only take minutes to complete and you are safer from that hazard!


Before 下一次大地震 we recommend these four steps that will make you, 你的家人, or your 工作place better prepared to survive and recover quickly


保护你的空间 by identifying hazards and securing moveable items

1 .保护自己的空间


计划安全 by creating a disaster plan and deciding how you will communicate in an emergency.

2 .安全计划


组织救灾物资 在方便的地方.

Step3 Organize Disaster Supplies


尽量减少经济困难 by organizing important documents, strengthening your property, and considering insurance.

step4 Organizing Important Documents


下一次大地震, 紧接着, is when your level of preparedness will make a difference in how you and others survive and can respond to emergencies:


蹲下,掩护,坚持住 当大地震动.

Step5 封面 when the Earth Shakes


提高安全 after earthquakes by evacuating if necessary, 帮助伤者, and preventing further injuries or dam年龄.

6 .提高安全性

the immediate threat of the earthquake has passed, your level of preparedness will determine your quality of life in the weeks and months that follow:


Restore daily life by reconnecting with others, repairing dam年龄, and rebuilding community.


To learn more on what you should do 在 an earthquake on campus, visit the LAVC 紧急应变计划's 如果发生地震 Web p年龄.