

This checklist is for the use of the Administrator in charge of the campus during a major emergency. The use of this checklist will help the administrator make critical decisions in the start-up and operation of the level of necessary response by the college to an emergency. 署长应动员如下所示的危机行动小组. If the listed members are not available the administrator may contact them by phone or create a secondary CAT group to help assist with decision making and planning.







*In the event there are no Senior Administrators on campus the 值班管理员 will take responsibility for the college response in the event of an emergency.

EOC启动标准- EOC是否启动?

这一决定必须基于紧急事件或情况. 主要的洛杉矶山谷学院EOC位于M&O会议室. 备用EOC位于LAVC主席会议室. In the event of an emergency where a limited area of the campus is affected the Lead Administrator may elect to use the Emergency Response Vehicle and monitor the situation at the site.


  • Emergency response resources beyond the capabilities are required of local first responders
  • 长时间的紧急情况
  • 必须或可能需要作出重大政策决定
  • 当地将宣布进入紧急状态
  • Activation of the EOC will be advant年龄ous to the successful man年龄ment of the emergency

EOC启动标准- EOC应在什么级别启动?

Communicate and notify the President or VP 管理服务 of your situation

It is important to activate the LAVC EOC at an appropriate activation level to man年龄 the emergency and to stay in control of the situation. 提供以下信息作为 快速指南 关于何时启动EOC是合适的.

  • Level 1 – Any incident which will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the college. Level 1 emergencies are those incidents that our Security Department handles routinely through normal security procedures. LAVC EOC未激活.
  • 二级-任何威胁生命的事件, 建筑结构, 和/或学院或其中一个校区的整体运作. 通常需要外部紧急服务部门的帮助. Major policy considerations and decisions are required from administration during the crisis. 如果发生2级紧急情况, LAVC Security notifies the President or any member of the Crisis Action Team, who then determines whether to request that the President/Acting President or Vice President for 管理服务 to activate the LAVC Emergency Operations Plan. LAVC EOC可以部分激活或完全激活.
  • Level 3 – An event or occurrence that has actually taken place and has seriously impaired or halted the operations of the college or one of its campuses. A coordinated effort of all campus-wide resources and outside emergency services is required. Major policy considerations and decisions will be required from administration during and following the crisis as operational functions resume. 在所有3级紧急情况下, the President/Acting President or Vice President for 管理服务 will activate the LAVC Emergency Operations Plan. LAVC EOC应在完全激活状态下激活.
Note: A more detailed list of activation considerations and recommended initial staffing levels is provided in Volume One, 第一章, EOC启动程序. 澳门赌场官网校长(或校长不在时), the Vice President - Administrative Sercvices or the 设施 Man年龄r [in order]) or the Night 值班管理员 are authorized to activate the Los Angeles Valley College EOC. Make sure appropriate emergency responders have been notified and appropriate mutual aid has been coordinated (e.g. 执法、消防/救援、紧急医疗服务等.). Refer to Exhibit 4 – Mutual Aid Coordinators and Exhibit 5 – Other Agencies.

Notify the City of Van Nuys and/or the County of Los Angeles that the LAVC CAT is considering or has activated the College EOC. 识别和报告LAVC:

  • 现有的情况
  • 关键人员需求
  • 关键资源需求

Develop a presentation to give the members of the LAVC EOC Emergency Response Team. This essential brief is presented by the members of the Crisis Action Team and in the following sequence.

  1. Situation overview: A description of emergency situation and response actions already in progress. Normally presented by the Senior Security Department Official based on emergency.
  2. Emergency response actions underway: A description of actions accomplished by Crisis Action Team relating to initial notifications and coordination for life safety response efforts. Normally presented by the Senior Security Department Official based on emergency.
  3. Time period of 1st Operational Period: The identification of the beginning and ending times of the first shift for the LAVC EOC Emergency Response Team. Normally presented by the LAVC President or Vice President of 管理服务.
  4. 第一个业务期间的目标和优先事项. The identification of the Objectives and Priorities to be completed by the LAVC EOC Emergency Response Team during the 1st Operational Period. Use the Action Plan Worksheet Chart (refer to p年龄s 3 and 4) to identify the Objectives and Priorities and to brief from. This last key portion of the brief is normally presented by the LAVC President or Vice President of 管理服务.

NOTE: Upon completion of the Crisis Action Team brief to the EOC Emergency Response Team the Crisis Action Team disbands for the duration of the emergency response and key members of the Crisis Action Team become members of the LAVC Emergency Operations Center.