Frequently Asked Questions

How does the STEP Program benefit students?

Students who become involved in campus activities and utilize academic support services have higher chances of staying in and completing a degree or program. Yet when students enter college, they often lack the tools, resources, motivation, and support needed to be successful. Furthermore, when students feel uneasy about their skill level, they may be hesitant to seek help from their instructors. STEP Leaders fill in these gaps in knowledge and social support. The one-on-one or group consultations offered by STEP Leaders provide a stress-free, low-stakes setting for students to practice and apply course material, while building social capital. The effect of this personalized academic coaching and peer mentorship is an increase in student success, retention, and persistence.

Who are the STEP Leaders?

A STEP Leader provides supplemental support to students enrolled in specific courses. STEP Leaders must have successfully passed the course which they have been assigned to assist. STEP Leaders have often taken a course with a specific instructor that they are assigned to work with, which increases the Leaders’ familiarity with the course material, assignments, grading standards, etc. All STEP Leaders are current full-time college students at LAVC or nearby colleges.

Do STEP Leaders get paid, or do they volunteer?

STEP Leaders sometimes work on a voluntary basis when funding is not available, as the program is grant-based. However, whenever possible, STEP Leaders are paid. Students interested in Service Learning may work as a STEP Leader for course credit.

Can any course have a STEP Leader?

STEP Leaders are assigned to courses that meet the criteria of the grants which fund the program. Courses with an emphasis on Equity (such as Chicano Studies and African American Studies), basic-skills math and English courses, and courses that are in high demand with low success rates are given priority.

Where do the ;study sessions take place?

STEP Leaders host their study sessions and one-on-one consultations in their respective lab. Please contact each lab for the schedule. You can also book a study room if you are anticipating to have more than 5 students. Learning Leaders and students can reserve study rooms using the following link: When a larger room or a projector is needed, or when a STEP Leader needs to make a reoccurring booking, contact the front desk of the General Tutoring Center (LARC 213).